I’ve read some interesting discussion from my lot today. The author known as blessing2u post a discussion title “Your Religion Is Nothing”. At first sight when I see the title, I taught it was some people from other religion try to make an issue and looking for a debate from a Christian community. But to my surprise it was from a fellow Christians about his experiences he once had.
He wrote this. “Two years ago as I was sitting down in my beloved chair just outside my house, somebody, a good looking man came and talked to me about the Bible. When I told him that I have a religion, he smiled and told me with a soft voice, “Sir, your religion is nothing!” I was stunned. For over twenty years, I had been in that religion and it's the first time that I encountered such. He started to tell me about the Love of God and how He died to pay for the penalty of my sin. He told me it's not about religion that he came for, but for me to know how God loved me. The conversation continued until I understood what he meant. I trusted Christ in my heart to be my Saviour. My religion is really nothing when we talk about salvation. What's your opinion on this?” The link is to this post http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2416030.aspx?p=1.
It was very interesting how people respond to this post. But this fellow had his point. The man who approach him really something and from my point of view he is a man which was sent by God. For this guy name blessing2u, it was a blessing for him for listening to this God messenger. How often we want to see or listen to God messenger when they approach us at home. Even this guy almost didn’t want him to speak the message of God when he tell that he had a religion. That was something most of us will do because we don’t want some stranger with a bible and talk about salvation.
Credit to this messenger of God, he just continue what he was sent for. A lot of messenger now a days when people tell them that they have a religion and don’t need any more explanation, they just walk away.
There is a learning point here both for the messenger of God and for those you receive the God message. As a messenger of God we have to try our best to deliver the message. And we must try a appropriate way of approaching the people so they can accept us to deliver the message of God.
For us who received the message, never shut off when there are other people try to bring us message of God. There must be something we can both share to make our faith and understanding in God better than before. God messenger are there for a purpose and so that we who deliver God message.
Regarding the post subject, I do agree with the God messenger. Our religion is nothing if we don’t practice it and didn’t have faith in our Lord Jesus. There are a lot of registered Christians all over the globe. But how many really follow the teaching of Christ and how many go to church? I can say it is around 10-25% the most.
I once made a post also on my lot regarding empty church problem. Why I didn’t surprise as most of them who respond admit their church is empty where most of the times only old ladies that go to the church. It was sad why can church being left empty without doing anything to improve the situation.
Many Christian didn’t justify themselves of being a Christian. They only Christian when feeling the religion column inside the form. But they just didn’t practice what the Bible have teach us. Some even being a priest, church committee and church ministry member but outside, they still commit sins that forbidden by Christians.
Here is a food of taught. Do we really justify ourselves as a Christian? What have we done which was forbidden by Christians teaching? Do we done enough to earn ourselves a name in the book of life? Are we become Christians just because we want to have a religion?
Becoming Christian is more than just having a religion but it is a love relationship with Jesus Christ. Becoming Christian is not easy but it is also not difficult to become a good Christians and ensure our name written in the book of life and guaranteed salvation in the after life.
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