I’ve heard of this but only just discovered that my friend keeps a junk drawer beyond all junk drawers. She saves used batteries, bits of string, broken elastic bands and old brochures from businesses that closed years ago. She actually speaks of the string as ‘string too short to be saved.’ I thought her quite eccentric until I took a quick gander around my own space.
Why do we keep things that are of no use? The Bible suggests some keepers.
- Keep the ten commandments (Matthew 19:17)
- Keep on guard (Matthew 26:41)
It even says to keep awake and keep on praying.
Keep awake and watch and pray [constantly], that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Mark 14:38, AMP)
It never says to keep old stuff that is of no use to anybody.
Prayer – Lord, we choose today to discard all those strings that are just too short to be saved. Amen
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