What is your pulse like? Just to be sure we are speaking the same language: I am not inquiring into your personal health problems.
“Pulse” is the group name for lentils, peas, beans, chickpeas, mustard, sunflowers, and canary seed. Knowing that makes Genesis 25:29-34 all the more interesting.
Jacob was making lentil stew. (Some Bible versions use the word ‘pulse’ to describe the meal.). When starving Esau came in from the field and begged for a bite, Jacob demanded Esau’s inheritance as the eldest child.
The pulse is described as red, so it might have been a version of our chili, but for all we know it could have been made of bird seed. After all, Esau was known for flying off the handle! Still, even a bowl of bird seed is a cheap trade for one’s inheritance.
How much do we value our inheritance as children of God?
So that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. (Titus 3:7, NIV)
Prayer – Lord, thank you that we can look forward to our inheritance because of the death and resurrection of your son Jesus. Amen
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