We can Google ‘heaven’ for interesting answers. Better still, we can read the Bible for the truth, then trust God to explain what we don’t know, when we need to know.
This poem gives a different perspective.
Surprise in Heaven
I dreamed death came the other night, and Heaven’s Gate swung wide;
An angel with a halo bright ushered me inside.
And there to my astonishment, stood folk I’d judged and labelled,
As quite unfit, of little worth and spiritually disabled.
Indignant words rose to my lips, but never were set free.
For every face showed stunned surprise. Not one expected me!–Anonymous
Remember those leaders we harangued mercilessly? Who ever thought we’d meet them face-to-face in heaven! Oops!
Prayer- Lord, may our mouths offer petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving for all people—so that others may come to salvation and truth. (From 1 Timothy 2:1-4, NIV)
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