Tropical Storm Bonnie is passing over Florida as BP oil spill cleanup crews evacuate out of the way.
The House Committee on Standards and Official Conduct is establishing a panel to hear charges longtime New York Congressman Charlie Rangel committed ethics violations.
With the financial system on the verge of collapse in late 2008, a group of troubled banks doled out more than $2 billion in bonuses and other payments to their highest earners. Now, the federal authority on banker pay says that nearly 80 percent of that sum was unmerited.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said extending at least some of the tax cuts set to expire this year would help strengthen a U.S. economy still in need of stimulus and urged offsetting the move with increased revenue or lower spending.
The firing and apology to Shirley Sherrod again brought the issue of race to the forefront for President Obama.
College football players from several schools may have gotten their programs into hot water over attending a South Beach party host by San Francisco 49ers running back Frank Gore in May.
The new Angelina Jolie thriller “Salt” opens in theaters today.
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