Does He want to? I mean is God really calling you? How do you know? Bishop Emeritus Donald N. Bastian (see complete article at – has been there, done that and knows what he’s talking about. Is he talking to you today?
The Apostle Paul was called on the Damascus Road. Timothy, his son in the gospel, apparently was called by the recognition and assignment of the Apostle Paul himself (Acts 16:1-5). John Wesley’s call was at the urging of his own father. How can I know if God is calling me into full time ministry?
1. What do my senses tell me when I am closest to the Lord?
2. Is the question of a call fleeting or persistent?
3. Does the Lord confirm his call by the comments or questions of others?
4. When I am given opportunity to serve in some public way, do I sense the Lord’s blessing in that experience? Do other believers notice it?
5. Do opportunities the Lord sends across my path fill me with thoughts of a special ministry?
6. Do I see needs that I sense I could meet?
Before all young Christians choose a vocation for themselves they should ask the Lord prayerfully and seriously, “Do you need me for full time service?” (Paul N Ellis).
But in this day of second careers, need it only be the young who ask this question? And if we are not called into full time service, have we asked the Lord to lead us into a job were we can serve him with faith and joy?
Prayer: Lord, help us present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto you, in any way you choose. Amen. (From Romans 12: 1, 2).
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