Shivering Cold

Did you know that bees survive the winter by shivering together? Some will die on the job, likely because they are on the outside of the heap. They will not see the bright sunshine of a new spring. Technically, they are counted as unimportant because they are not in the star zone. They are not the queen and they are not one of those destined to bring back flower nectar. Yet they have fulfilled their duty as bees.

One bee alone does not create much heat but thousands together make a stand for the survival of the hive.

Do you ever feel that you are not important in your church? You are not the star of the show, not the preacher, or an elder, not even on the board. You are destined to be on the sidelines, seldom recognized in the scheme of church life. Yet you faithfully attend, tithe, pray and follow the requirements of holiness as God laid out for us.

Dear One, you and your faith are the keys to life in the beehive of the church in your community and around the world. While you might think you are shivering on the outside, your warm faithful presence is keeping the church hive alive.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 1:11)

Prayer- Lord when we think we are nothing, remind us of who we are in you, faithful workers in small ways for the kingdom of Christ. Amen.


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